ENGLISH 12 - 4
Boot camp is an opportunity for students to complete the learning outcomes they have missed or show weakness. It is purely voluntary and takes place from 9:00 to 12:00 and 1:00 to 3:00 Wednesday June 10th and Friday June 12th. Students who attend will be able to add to their marks with the work they complete to a satisfactory degree.
Boot camp is an opportunity for students to complete the learning outcomes they have missed or show weakness. It is purely voluntary and takes place from 9:00 to 12:00 and 1:00 to 3:00 Wednesday June 10th and Friday June 12th. Students who attend will be able to add to their marks with the work they complete to a satisfactory degree.

Monday June 8th
Students who did not produce a Twelfth Night project wrote the TN exam. Also, those who missed Friday worked on their Synthesis part of the BCP while others finished the multi-paragraph composition.
Thanks to those who did such a lovely job on their Twelfth Night projects!
Students who did not produce a Twelfth Night project wrote the TN exam. Also, those who missed Friday worked on their Synthesis part of the BCP while others finished the multi-paragraph composition.
Thanks to those who did such a lovely job on their Twelfth Night projects!

Thursday June 4th
Students worked on the multiple choice and paragraph section of a practice BCP worth 5% of their semester mark. Students away tomorrow will be working on finishing this BCP on Monday.
Students worked on the multiple choice and paragraph section of a practice BCP worth 5% of their semester mark. Students away tomorrow will be working on finishing this BCP on Monday.

Wednesday May 27th
We covered a - f of the BCP terms list. There will be a quiz on these terms on Monday June 1st. Students worked on their Twelfth Night for the remainder of the class. Tomorrow we will cover G - M after the Cap and Gown rehearsal at 1:00. I will also have a practice test for people to work on to get ready for Monday's quiz.
We covered a - f of the BCP terms list. There will be a quiz on these terms on Monday June 1st. Students worked on their Twelfth Night for the remainder of the class. Tomorrow we will cover G - M after the Cap and Gown rehearsal at 1:00. I will also have a practice test for people to work on to get ready for Monday's quiz.

Tuesday May 26th
Friday we began watching She's the Man. Yesterday we finished She's the Man and today we are working on the assignments for it : Graphic Organizer and Synthesis Essay draft. See Handout tab for the handout. Also the article/review is available at <http://www.cbn.com/entertainment/screen/movieguide_ShesTheMan.aspx?option=print>
Friday we began watching She's the Man. Yesterday we finished She's the Man and today we are working on the assignments for it : Graphic Organizer and Synthesis Essay draft. See Handout tab for the handout. Also the article/review is available at <http://www.cbn.com/entertainment/screen/movieguide_ShesTheMan.aspx?option=print>

Thursday May 20th
We started with clarifying what needs to be in the Shakespeare project then writing a partner quiz for Acts III and IV. We then are to go to the computer lab to tie up loose ends like the brochure we still haven't finished.
REMEMBER that ALL REVISIONS OR MISSING WORK FROM PROCESS ANALYSIS AND DEFINITION MUST BE SUBMITTED BY MAY 29TH. THE TWELFTH NIGHT PROJECTS MUST BE HANDED IN BY JUNE 5TH AT THE LATEST ( with the exception of those going to FN Grad who will be expected to submit their projects bright and early Monday morning June 8th).
We started with clarifying what needs to be in the Shakespeare project then writing a partner quiz for Acts III and IV. We then are to go to the computer lab to tie up loose ends like the brochure we still haven't finished.
REMEMBER that ALL REVISIONS OR MISSING WORK FROM PROCESS ANALYSIS AND DEFINITION MUST BE SUBMITTED BY MAY 29TH. THE TWELFTH NIGHT PROJECTS MUST BE HANDED IN BY JUNE 5TH AT THE LATEST ( with the exception of those going to FN Grad who will be expected to submit their projects bright and early Monday morning June 8th).

Wednesday May 20th HOPE YOU HAD FUN on YOUR PD DAY!

Students got back their mark updates and marked work except for the theme essays. We went over all that could still be handed in - see me if you don't have this information. We then did an IGAP meeting where students discussed their character while remaining in character. We finished the class by reading to the end of Act IV. There will be a partner quiz for acts III and IV on Thursday. If you are late and there are no partners left, you're out of luck.
Students got back their mark updates and marked work except for the theme essays. We went over all that could still be handed in - see me if you don't have this information. We then did an IGAP meeting where students discussed their character while remaining in character. We finished the class by reading to the end of Act IV. There will be a partner quiz for acts III and IV on Thursday. If you are late and there are no partners left, you're out of luck.

Thursday May 14th
We had a demo from Dawn on the fishtail braid then read to the end of Act III. We then watched that portion on video. Remember to be ready to join in the IGAP meeting on Tuesday. There is a handout on this IGAP on the Homework tab.
We had a demo from Dawn on the fishtail braid then read to the end of Act III. We then watched that portion on video. Remember to be ready to join in the IGAP meeting on Tuesday. There is a handout on this IGAP on the Homework tab.

Wednesday May 13th
EGADS I didn't post on Monday. Sorry.
At this point we have read to the middle of Act III, written an Acts I and II quiz and prepared to write skits for various characters based on their problems.
EGADS I didn't post on Monday. Sorry.
At this point we have read to the middle of Act III, written an Acts I and II quiz and prepared to write skits for various characters based on their problems.

Friday May 8th
We started with some delightful demos. Today we have learned how to make our dogs love us, wax a cross country ski and perform CPR. Thanks demo doers! We began to watch the film version of Acts I and II. We did not finish so our open book Acts I and II quiz will be bumped to Monday after we see the end of the act in film form. Remember that if you have not done your demo, it will be cut off at the end of next week ( I extended the deadline due to Hair Show and meetings this week). Get it finished please.
We started with some delightful demos. Today we have learned how to make our dogs love us, wax a cross country ski and perform CPR. Thanks demo doers! We began to watch the film version of Acts I and II. We did not finish so our open book Acts I and II quiz will be bumped to Monday after we see the end of the act in film form. Remember that if you have not done your demo, it will be cut off at the end of next week ( I extended the deadline due to Hair Show and meetings this week). Get it finished please.

Thursday May 7th
The rehearsal for the Hair Show was cancelled for public viewing. Those involved in the show went to rehearsal but the remaining 5 worked in the library on their brochures. Remember that tomorrow we are writing a quiz on Acts I and II after watching the video. Also, we are having a dog demo. from Erin and Laura.
The rehearsal for the Hair Show was cancelled for public viewing. Those involved in the show went to rehearsal but the remaining 5 worked in the library on their brochures. Remember that tomorrow we are writing a quiz on Acts I and II after watching the video. Also, we are having a dog demo. from Erin and Laura.

Wednesday May 6th
Students got the handout for the Twelfth Night project. Remember that you have a choice to write the exam or do a project. If you choose the project, I suggest you start soon. We then read to the end of Act II. There will be an open book quiz on Acts I and II on Friday after we view this part of the play.
Students got the handout for the Twelfth Night project. Remember that you have a choice to write the exam or do a project. If you choose the project, I suggest you start soon. We then read to the end of Act II. There will be an open book quiz on Acts I and II on Friday after we view this part of the play.

Tuesday May 5th
Students read to the end of Act II scene 2. If you were missing, read these scenes. We also went back to the sheet from yesterday and added examples from the play to our Elements of Sh. Comedy in Modern Film.
Students read to the end of Act II scene 2. If you were missing, read these scenes. We also went back to the sheet from yesterday and added examples from the play to our Elements of Sh. Comedy in Modern Film.

Monday May 4th
Students were reminded that today is the LAST DAY TO HAND IN NOVEL WORK. Also, many were absent for the inclass essay. They will be responsible to schedule another time to write inclass/timed under supervision.
New Unit - Shakespearean comedy. Students watched two trailers - Dumb and Dumber and Playing it Cool - and used the Elements of Sh. Comedy in Modern Film to take note of what elements they found. The videos can be found on the English 12 - 1 page and the handout can be found at the Handouts tab.
We also read Act I scenes 1, 2 and 3 with students taking turns reading.
If you missed today, remember to check out No Fear Shakespeare or Chop Bard podcasts for help.
Students were reminded that today is the LAST DAY TO HAND IN NOVEL WORK. Also, many were absent for the inclass essay. They will be responsible to schedule another time to write inclass/timed under supervision.
New Unit - Shakespearean comedy. Students watched two trailers - Dumb and Dumber and Playing it Cool - and used the Elements of Sh. Comedy in Modern Film to take note of what elements they found. The videos can be found on the English 12 - 1 page and the handout can be found at the Handouts tab.
We also read Act I scenes 1, 2 and 3 with students taking turns reading.
If you missed today, remember to check out No Fear Shakespeare or Chop Bard podcasts for help.
Thursday April 30th
Students reviewed the differences between the WIki and "Camping Out" and then read "The Knife" and compared it in terms of style and purpose. Tomorrow students may choose to write a process analysis like "Camping Out" focussing on important tips and knowledge or "The Knife" focussing on writing so the reader experiences something through the eyes of the writer.
We then watched a short video on Graphic Text ( below)and went to the lab to make our own informational or instructional brochures using 10 methods of graphic text. Students may choose to make a brochure based on their demos for next week or use a completely different concept. Students should email one copy of their brochure and print one in black and white and label which text methods were used.
REMEMBER: In class essay tomorrow.
Students reviewed the differences between the WIki and "Camping Out" and then read "The Knife" and compared it in terms of style and purpose. Tomorrow students may choose to write a process analysis like "Camping Out" focussing on important tips and knowledge or "The Knife" focussing on writing so the reader experiences something through the eyes of the writer.
We then watched a short video on Graphic Text ( below)and went to the lab to make our own informational or instructional brochures using 10 methods of graphic text. Students may choose to make a brochure based on their demos for next week or use a completely different concept. Students should email one copy of their brochure and print one in black and white and label which text methods were used.
REMEMBER: In class essay tomorrow.

We reviewed the relevant upcoming dates and I reminded those who had not finished their LPI prac materials that it needs to be done soon.
We discussed how process is a 'how to' approach then looked at a Wiki on how to camp in a tent . Go to http://www.wikihow.com/Camp-in-a-Tent-on-a-Campsite and look at this article then do the questions attached to "Camping Out" by Hemmingway. You can find this at the Homework tab. We then read "Camping Out" and did the questions to hand in.
Tomorrow we will look at one last process analysis essay with planner then move to the computer lab to construct a How To brochure using graphic text.
We discussed how process is a 'how to' approach then looked at a Wiki on how to camp in a tent . Go to http://www.wikihow.com/Camp-in-a-Tent-on-a-Campsite and look at this article then do the questions attached to "Camping Out" by Hemmingway. You can find this at the Homework tab. We then read "Camping Out" and did the questions to hand in.
Tomorrow we will look at one last process analysis essay with planner then move to the computer lab to construct a How To brochure using graphic text.

Tuesday April 28th
We took our sticky notes and moved them into categories which will act as paragraphs for us . This organization will be evaluated and used for the essay on Friday. Videos/demos handout - reviewed. Students finished their organizers handed them in or took a picture to send me. Again, remember to be ready for your demos this week or early next week . Finally, we watched 3 videos available on English 12 - 1: How to Move a Pencil With Your Mind, How to Play Better Golf and How to Read Boys' Body Language. We rated each on a scale of 1 - 4.
We took our sticky notes and moved them into categories which will act as paragraphs for us . This organization will be evaluated and used for the essay on Friday. Videos/demos handout - reviewed. Students finished their organizers handed them in or took a picture to send me. Again, remember to be ready for your demos this week or early next week . Finally, we watched 3 videos available on English 12 - 1: How to Move a Pencil With Your Mind, How to Play Better Golf and How to Read Boys' Body Language. We rated each on a scale of 1 - 4.

Monday April 27th
Students finished off the "Planning to Write the Definition Essay" handout then paired up and chose a concept of their own to begin breaking down via Sticky Notes or strips of paper. To do this exercise, you need to choose a concept like "Sport" then go through the 6 methods from last Friday and brainstorm as much information as possible. Below is a sample for "Disaster"
a. Dictionary definitions - - try for at least 3 different ones.
"a sudden event such as an accident or natural catastrophe"; "a calamitous event connected to a great loss of life"; "a hazard which impacts on vulnerable people" or "A project that fails"
b. Word origin - Greek for bad star
c. Comparison/contrast
Poorly planned vs. random event
single car crash vs. 52 car pile up
d. Division/classification: Man made and natural; poorly planned/manageable vs. uncontrollable
e. Examples/negation: a divorce, a messy room, an undercooked turkey which kills 200 homeless people, an uncooked turkey ( you order pizza instead), a broken cell phone, the Hindenburg, the Titanic, the movie Gravity, Evil K's Jump over the Grand Canyon, a thunderstorm which uproots a tree, floods/tornadoes.
Students finished the brainstorm by putting all of their ideas on sticky notes and arranging the sticky notes in the order they might use for their essay.
NOTE: There is a Sticky Note app which is free and you can make sticky notes and arrange right on your phone or computer screen. It's available for free at http://download.cnet.com/Simple-Sticky-Notes/3000-2351_4-10864689.html.
Students finished off the "Planning to Write the Definition Essay" handout then paired up and chose a concept of their own to begin breaking down via Sticky Notes or strips of paper. To do this exercise, you need to choose a concept like "Sport" then go through the 6 methods from last Friday and brainstorm as much information as possible. Below is a sample for "Disaster"
a. Dictionary definitions - - try for at least 3 different ones.
"a sudden event such as an accident or natural catastrophe"; "a calamitous event connected to a great loss of life"; "a hazard which impacts on vulnerable people" or "A project that fails"
b. Word origin - Greek for bad star
c. Comparison/contrast
Poorly planned vs. random event
single car crash vs. 52 car pile up
d. Division/classification: Man made and natural; poorly planned/manageable vs. uncontrollable
e. Examples/negation: a divorce, a messy room, an undercooked turkey which kills 200 homeless people, an uncooked turkey ( you order pizza instead), a broken cell phone, the Hindenburg, the Titanic, the movie Gravity, Evil K's Jump over the Grand Canyon, a thunderstorm which uproots a tree, floods/tornadoes.
Students finished the brainstorm by putting all of their ideas on sticky notes and arranging the sticky notes in the order they might use for their essay.
NOTE: There is a Sticky Note app which is free and you can make sticky notes and arrange right on your phone or computer screen. It's available for free at http://download.cnet.com/Simple-Sticky-Notes/3000-2351_4-10864689.html.

Friday April 24th
Wow what a day! Great participation and opinions! Students created their own definitions for the 3 concepts from yesterday. We discussed a lot of ideas concerning the difficulty of creating definitions. Then students reviewed the handout "Defining" on Methods of Definition and we came up with examples for concepts surrounding sports. Finally, we read the essay "Justice" and students began working on the handout "Planning to Write the Definition Essay" Students are reminded that they will be doing demonstrations next week so think of a skill you would like to teach us.
REMEMBER MONDAY MAY 4th is the cut off for the Novel Study tasks and the theme essay.
Wow what a day! Great participation and opinions! Students created their own definitions for the 3 concepts from yesterday. We discussed a lot of ideas concerning the difficulty of creating definitions. Then students reviewed the handout "Defining" on Methods of Definition and we came up with examples for concepts surrounding sports. Finally, we read the essay "Justice" and students began working on the handout "Planning to Write the Definition Essay" Students are reminded that they will be doing demonstrations next week so think of a skill you would like to teach us.
REMEMBER MONDAY MAY 4th is the cut off for the Novel Study tasks and the theme essay.

Thursday April 23rd
Happy Birthday William Shakespeare!
We began our definition essay with an exercise which gave examples of child abuse, sexual harassment and art. Students went through all of the supposed examples and discussed why each would or would not fit in their own idea of the concept. Tomorrow we will be building definitions for each concept based on our own beliefs and the examples from today.
Happy Birthday William Shakespeare!
We began our definition essay with an exercise which gave examples of child abuse, sexual harassment and art. Students went through all of the supposed examples and discussed why each would or would not fit in their own idea of the concept. Tomorrow we will be building definitions for each concept based on our own beliefs and the examples from today.
WEdnesday April 22
LPI test today.
LPI test today.

Tuesday April 21st
Students worked on writing the LPI Practice essay. Students writing the actual LPI tomorrow should be extra vigilant to be on time as there is quite a bit of paperwork to fill out prior to starting.
Students worked on writing the LPI Practice essay. Students writing the actual LPI tomorrow should be extra vigilant to be on time as there is quite a bit of paperwork to fill out prior to starting.

Monday April 20th
Students wrote their practice LPI test parts I - III. If you were missing you need to go to the library and write this portion. It is part of the evaluation of PLOs for the course. Also, if you are not writing the LPI on Wednesday, you require a letter of permission from your parent or guardian. Tomorrow you will be writing the Pt. IV which you have an outline for. Bring your completed outline as it's part of your evaluation.
NOVEL BLOGS: Your novel blog mark is ready. If you have added more material, please let me know and resubmit your evaluation rubric.
Students wrote their practice LPI test parts I - III. If you were missing you need to go to the library and write this portion. It is part of the evaluation of PLOs for the course. Also, if you are not writing the LPI on Wednesday, you require a letter of permission from your parent or guardian. Tomorrow you will be writing the Pt. IV which you have an outline for. Bring your completed outline as it's part of your evaluation.
NOVEL BLOGS: Your novel blog mark is ready. If you have added more material, please let me know and resubmit your evaluation rubric.

There were many students away today. Those who were here worked on a number of things:
a. Novel tasks - DUE ON MONDAY!
b. Blogs and LPI expository prep.
c. Theme essays
Also we went over the structure of the LPI for next Monday's Practice Test (all students except those who wrote the LPI last semester are expected to write this test) Students are reminded of the basics of the summaries:
1. No more that 3 sentences.
2. Your summary must not use words taken directly from the original other than terms.
3. You 3 sentences should flow and be error free.
There were many students away today. Those who were here worked on a number of things:
a. Novel tasks - DUE ON MONDAY!
b. Blogs and LPI expository prep.
c. Theme essays
Also we went over the structure of the LPI for next Monday's Practice Test (all students except those who wrote the LPI last semester are expected to write this test) Students are reminded of the basics of the summaries:
1. No more that 3 sentences.
2. Your summary must not use words taken directly from the original other than terms.
3. You 3 sentences should flow and be error free.

Thursday April 16th
Students went to the computer lab to work on the following:
a. Novel blogs - will be marked on Sunday April 19th
b. Debate ? blogs - I have posted the 7 debate questions from last Tuesday as blog entries. Students need to respond to at least 3 of these . This is for evaluative purposes.
c. Theme essays for novel
d. Outline for LPI expository essay - I have constructed an outline for next Tuesday's practice LPI essay using the 7 questions from Tuesday. Choose ONE of these questions and plan you essay using the handout at the Handouts tab. You will be able to bring in this planner when you write on Tuesday. It also is an evaluation tool for the PLO concerning planning and drafting.
Students went to the computer lab to work on the following:
a. Novel blogs - will be marked on Sunday April 19th
b. Debate ? blogs - I have posted the 7 debate questions from last Tuesday as blog entries. Students need to respond to at least 3 of these . This is for evaluative purposes.
c. Theme essays for novel
d. Outline for LPI expository essay - I have constructed an outline for next Tuesday's practice LPI essay using the 7 questions from Tuesday. Choose ONE of these questions and plan you essay using the handout at the Handouts tab. You will be able to bring in this planner when you write on Tuesday. It also is an evaluation tool for the PLO concerning planning and drafting.
Wednesday April 15th
We worked on our theme essays. You may want to review the video above if you are still struggling. Please disregard Option #1. Tuesday April 14th
Students examined 7 sample questions for PT. IV of the LPI. They did an exercise called It's Debatable in which they visited 7 stations with a question at each station. They were to add pros and cons of the topic. Below are the topics: 1. Servers should be allowed to refuse service of alcohol to pregnant women. 2. Living in a small town is more rewarding than in a big city. 3. Governments should publish the names of released dangerous criminals. 4. Nations should relinquish their sovereignty and become part of a world-wide government. 5. Plastic bags should be banned to aid in saving the environment. 6.Parents should have the right to refuse life-saving medical treatment for their children. 7. Governments should impose a maximum wage for management in companies, based on the average wage of its workers. |
Thursday April 9th
Students worked on their blogs today. Remember that the blogs close on Friday April 17th. Also the last day for novel work is Monday May 4th. |

Wednesday April 8th
Students did ex. 7 and 8 from PT. II of the LPI practice materials (hand in for marks). We then went to the library and had a lit. circle for Three Day Road as well as Indian Horse. Tomorrow we will be blogging and do a lit. circle for 13 Reasons Why and Life of Pi.
NOTE: The final cut off for all things novel is Monday May 4th
Students did ex. 7 and 8 from PT. II of the LPI practice materials (hand in for marks). We then went to the library and had a lit. circle for Three Day Road as well as Indian Horse. Tomorrow we will be blogging and do a lit. circle for 13 Reasons Why and Life of Pi.
NOTE: The final cut off for all things novel is Monday May 4th

Tuesday April 7th
Students looked at sample exercises for PT. II of the LPI. We then reviewed the handout on Writing About Theme and discussed possible themes for our novels. Look at the Handouts tab for information on this concept as well as a sample. The theme essay is due April 17th. Students spent the last 30 minutes working on their novel study. Novel study tasks are due April 20th. The final cut off for all novel tasks and the theme essay is May 4th.
Students looked at sample exercises for PT. II of the LPI. We then reviewed the handout on Writing About Theme and discussed possible themes for our novels. Look at the Handouts tab for information on this concept as well as a sample. The theme essay is due April 17th. Students spent the last 30 minutes working on their novel study. Novel study tasks are due April 20th. The final cut off for all novel tasks and the theme essay is May 4th.

Thursday April 2nd
Students got a mark update. Please review these document carefully and contact me if you have questions on your grade. We went to the computer lab to blog and work on tasks. Remember that the tasks are due on April 20th and the blog closes on the 17th.
Students got a mark update. Please review these document carefully and contact me if you have questions on your grade. We went to the computer lab to blog and work on tasks. Remember that the tasks are due on April 20th and the blog closes on the 17th.

Wednesday April 1st
Students practiced their grammar skills doing exercises on comma splices, parallel structure and dangling and misplaced modifiers. These were handed in for marks. If you were missing, please see me to get the exercises as they are not in PDF or electronic form.
Students practiced their grammar skills doing exercises on comma splices, parallel structure and dangling and misplaced modifiers. These were handed in for marks. If you were missing, please see me to get the exercises as they are not in PDF or electronic form.
Tuesday March 31st
Students reviewed the various institutions which use the LPI as a score and looked at the 8 basic errors from Pt. I of the LPI. We did practice #1 and then did lit. circles except for I am the Messenger which we will do tomorrow.
Monday March 30th
Welcome back! We are coming to the end of the first term of this semester. Today students were made aware of the calendar for April. It is available below in PDF format. Please check it for key dates and lessons. After going over the intro to the LPI coming up, students worked on reading more of their novels and beginning their tasks. By this time at least 1/3 of the novel should be finished and students should be well on their way to completing at least one of the novel tasks. ALL NOVEL TASKS ARE DUE BY APRIL 20th.
Welcome back! We are coming to the end of the first term of this semester. Today students were made aware of the calendar for April. It is available below in PDF format. Please check it for key dates and lessons. After going over the intro to the LPI coming up, students worked on reading more of their novels and beginning their tasks. By this time at least 1/3 of the novel should be finished and students should be well on their way to completing at least one of the novel tasks. ALL NOVEL TASKS ARE DUE BY APRIL 20th.
Friday March 13th
Very few students were present so the remaining students read on in their novels. By the end of Spring Break students should aim to have read at least 1/3 of the novel and be prepared for a lit. circle on the Tuesday they are back. Keep in mind that the two weeks following the Break are short (4 days each) and will be the only in-class time to read and work on blogs.If you feel you are a slow reader, you may want to read ahead.
Very few students were present so the remaining students read on in their novels. By the end of Spring Break students should aim to have read at least 1/3 of the novel and be prepared for a lit. circle on the Tuesday they are back. Keep in mind that the two weeks following the Break are short (4 days each) and will be the only in-class time to read and work on blogs.If you feel you are a slow reader, you may want to read ahead.

Thursday March 12th
Students began using the novel blog/forum by signing up for access to the edmodo site. You can read the instructions at the Handouts page. If you sign up you will have to wait until Mrs. Mahoney activates your access and puts you into the appropriate group for novel commentary. You will then be able to see various sample responses which the class discussed in terms of depth and connection to the novel. Students should have responded to the WEEKLY DISCUSSION QUESTION WEEK ONE as well as posed a question of their own. Also, students are required to respond to at least one peer question per week.
Students began using the novel blog/forum by signing up for access to the edmodo site. You can read the instructions at the Handouts page. If you sign up you will have to wait until Mrs. Mahoney activates your access and puts you into the appropriate group for novel commentary. You will then be able to see various sample responses which the class discussed in terms of depth and connection to the novel. Students should have responded to the WEEKLY DISCUSSION QUESTION WEEK ONE as well as posed a question of their own. Also, students are required to respond to at least one peer question per week.

Wednesday March 11th
We held our Lit. Circles in the library. Those not involved in any particular circle were to continue reading or work on their novel tasks. Tomorrow we will be doing the novel forum/blog. It is essential that you get the information on the forum from the Handouts tab and complete your week 1 responses before you return from Spring Break. After the Break we will have only 8 more classes dedicated to novel study. If you feel you are a slow reader, please read as much as possible before the end of the Break so you are up to date or even ahead if you're worried about keeping up.
We held our Lit. Circles in the library. Those not involved in any particular circle were to continue reading or work on their novel tasks. Tomorrow we will be doing the novel forum/blog. It is essential that you get the information on the forum from the Handouts tab and complete your week 1 responses before you return from Spring Break. After the Break we will have only 8 more classes dedicated to novel study. If you feel you are a slow reader, please read as much as possible before the end of the Break so you are up to date or even ahead if you're worried about keeping up.
Tuesday March 10th
Students reviewed the criteria for the lit. circle for tomorrow as well as the procedure of using the lit. logs. They also were to fill in the lit. log to be ready for tomorrow's lit. circles. It was suggested that the students have already chosen their 5 tasks so they do not need to backtrack when they go to find examples/quotes.
Students reviewed the criteria for the lit. circle for tomorrow as well as the procedure of using the lit. logs. They also were to fill in the lit. log to be ready for tomorrow's lit. circles. It was suggested that the students have already chosen their 5 tasks so they do not need to backtrack when they go to find examples/quotes.

Monday March 9th
New Unit Today - Novels.
Students chose their novels and began to read them in the library. If you were missing, pick up your novel ASAP. You should divide it into 10 sections and attempt to read 1 section per reading day. Students also got the novel assignment sheet. Be sure to pick one up to get started.
Plan for the week:
Tuesday - Read section #2
Wednesday - Lit. circles - all individuals must participate - These are for the Oral Section.
Thursday - In the lab - novel forum
Friday - Section 3 for novels
New Unit Today - Novels.
Students chose their novels and began to read them in the library. If you were missing, pick up your novel ASAP. You should divide it into 10 sections and attempt to read 1 section per reading day. Students also got the novel assignment sheet. Be sure to pick one up to get started.
Plan for the week:
Tuesday - Read section #2
Wednesday - Lit. circles - all individuals must participate - These are for the Oral Section.
Thursday - In the lab - novel forum
Friday - Section 3 for novels

Thursday March 5th
REMEMBER to hand in all MIAs before midnight tomorrow night. The clock is ticking. AHHH SYMBOLISM.....
Today students put the finishing touches on their satires or worked on their MIAs. We will begin the novel study on Monday.
REMEMBER to hand in all MIAs before midnight tomorrow night. The clock is ticking. AHHH SYMBOLISM.....
Today students put the finishing touches on their satires or worked on their MIAs. We will begin the novel study on Monday.
Wednesday March 4th
Students worked on an inclass synthesis essay. If you were missing, you need to arrange a date and time to write this essay. It is timed.
Students worked on an inclass synthesis essay. If you were missing, you need to arrange a date and time to write this essay. It is timed.

Tuesday March 3rd
a. Choose your novel as we are starting them on Monday.
b. Get all MIAs from your mark update in by Friday Mar. 5th - You may email them or send me a photo.
We reviewed the novel choices and those who were missing yesterday made their choices.
Tomorrow is the IN CLASS essay. You have a choice of the following topics:
Topic One: Discuss the use of symbolism in 3 pieces of literature we have studied in this unit. At least one piece must be a poem.
Topic Two: How would the writers of the article "Emotional and Childhood Trauma" explain the actions of Lois in "Death by Landscape"?
You may use any materials we have created this semester as well as the texts from the pieces you are writing about. This is a synthesis essay which uses the same format as your synthesis paragraph but is 5 paragraphs long.
We finished off the class by having the choice to
a. Plan your synthesis essay with an outline
b. work on your satire project (due next Monday)
c. Finish off those pesky MIAs due on Friday.
a. Choose your novel as we are starting them on Monday.
b. Get all MIAs from your mark update in by Friday Mar. 5th - You may email them or send me a photo.
We reviewed the novel choices and those who were missing yesterday made their choices.
Tomorrow is the IN CLASS essay. You have a choice of the following topics:
Topic One: Discuss the use of symbolism in 3 pieces of literature we have studied in this unit. At least one piece must be a poem.
Topic Two: How would the writers of the article "Emotional and Childhood Trauma" explain the actions of Lois in "Death by Landscape"?
You may use any materials we have created this semester as well as the texts from the pieces you are writing about. This is a synthesis essay which uses the same format as your synthesis paragraph but is 5 paragraphs long.
We finished off the class by having the choice to
a. Plan your synthesis essay with an outline
b. work on your satire project (due next Monday)
c. Finish off those pesky MIAs due on Friday.
Monday Mar. 2nd
Students got their mark updates and worked on completing any missing work. Others continued to work on their satire projects which should be completed by the end of this week. Next week we are starting our novel study. Students will need to consider which of the novels they would like to read. A list is provided along with a quick description at English 12 - 3.
Students got their mark updates and worked on completing any missing work. Others continued to work on their satire projects which should be completed by the end of this week. Next week we are starting our novel study. Students will need to consider which of the novels they would like to read. A list is provided along with a quick description at English 12 - 3.
Friday Feb. 27th
Don't forget about next week's deadline for missing work. Below is a list which goes beyond what you have from your mark update:
- response to the article on First Nations 'themed' clothing and cultural appropriation.
- response to the video on Cultural Appropriation - paragraph, green screen or oral presentation.
-ballad or sonnet
- parody of "This is Just to Say" or a song lyric of your choice
-creative assignment for the dramatic monologue
- parody ?s on "The Nymph's Reply" and satire ? on the two videos.
We had a brief quiz on poem types and then looked at the upcoming satire project. Some people chose to catch up on work missing from the list while others began to plan their satire projects.

Thursday Feb. 26th
We finished yesterday's satire task by watching Ikea's "It's a Bookbook" and handed the assignment in. We had a quick discussion on how we feel about poverty and begging when we travel or when we are at home. We drew cards for groups and read "A Modest Proposal" with each group being responsible for summarizing their section of text. We then put together the text in terms of problems, satirical solutions, and real life solutions to poverty. We ended the class with watching a video of a satire project by a former student and talked about how she had incorporated a problem, satire and a solution. Students were asked to think about how they could create a similar project which shows a real world issue, a satirical solution and real solutions.
REMEMBER there is a small types of poetry quiz in tomorrow's class. Be prepared.
We finished yesterday's satire task by watching Ikea's "It's a Bookbook" and handed the assignment in. We had a quick discussion on how we feel about poverty and begging when we travel or when we are at home. We drew cards for groups and read "A Modest Proposal" with each group being responsible for summarizing their section of text. We then put together the text in terms of problems, satirical solutions, and real life solutions to poverty. We ended the class with watching a video of a satire project by a former student and talked about how she had incorporated a problem, satire and a solution. Students were asked to think about how they could create a similar project which shows a real world issue, a satirical solution and real solutions.
REMEMBER there is a small types of poetry quiz in tomorrow's class. Be prepared.
Wednesday Feb. 25th
We began by reviewing the concept of parody then reading "The Nymph's Reply" and in pairs doing some brief questions (See Handouts tab). We then looked at what makes a satire (See Handouts tab Parody vs. Satire ) and watched the video "A Girl in A Country Song" . We will look at "It's a Bookbook" tomorrow and finish the intro to satire.
Be reminded that you must hand in all work assigned to this point and INCLUDING TODAY'S LESSON/assignment by MARCH 5th.
We began by reviewing the concept of parody then reading "The Nymph's Reply" and in pairs doing some brief questions (See Handouts tab). We then looked at what makes a satire (See Handouts tab Parody vs. Satire ) and watched the video "A Girl in A Country Song" . We will look at "It's a Bookbook" tomorrow and finish the intro to satire.
Be reminded that you must hand in all work assigned to this point and INCLUDING TODAY'S LESSON/assignment by MARCH 5th.
Tuesday Feb. 24th
We first read "The Passionate Shepherd" and discussed how it was a pastoral poem. Students watched the video "Word Crimes" and brainstormed the 3 important criteria for a parody. They then wrote their own parody of "This is Just to Say". We finished the class working on our dramatic monologue assignments. |
Monday Feb. 23rd

Thursday Feb. 19th
Students continued their work on the personal response to the video from yesterday. Those who finished were catching up on missing odds and ends. They also got the handout which we will be using with the dramatic monologues next week. See Handouts tab.
Students continued their work on the personal response to the video from yesterday. Those who finished were catching up on missing odds and ends. They also got the handout which we will be using with the dramatic monologues next week. See Handouts tab.

Wednesday Feb. 18th
Students finished discussing yesterday's video and the strips which the previous class had added to the idea board. They then worked on either writing a paragraph of personal response to the video or using the green screen to do a video on their reactions. If you are working on this, remember to make at least 5 connections to the video and your reactions. You may consider counterarguments or other examples which support your points.
Students finished discussing yesterday's video and the strips which the previous class had added to the idea board. They then worked on either writing a paragraph of personal response to the video or using the green screen to do a video on their reactions. If you are working on this, remember to make at least 5 connections to the video and your reactions. You may consider counterarguments or other examples which support your points.

Tuesday Feb. 17th
Sorry for the late posting.
Students were reminded to hand in their ballads.
We watched the video on Cultural Appropriation posed on English 12-3. As we watched the video, students added words, phrases, ideas or general statements which they questioned or agreed with to strips of paper which we posted. We will be using these strips tomorrow when the other class has completed this task. We will be writing a paragraph of personal response paying attention to the presenter's assumptions and biases. You can look up the handout for this task at the Handouts tab.
At the end of the class we reviewed the criteria for each type of sonnet and looked at "Ozymandius" to determine which type it was. This can also be found at the Handouts tab.
Sorry for the late posting.
Students were reminded to hand in their ballads.
We watched the video on Cultural Appropriation posed on English 12-3. As we watched the video, students added words, phrases, ideas or general statements which they questioned or agreed with to strips of paper which we posted. We will be using these strips tomorrow when the other class has completed this task. We will be writing a paragraph of personal response paying attention to the presenter's assumptions and biases. You can look up the handout for this task at the Handouts tab.
At the end of the class we reviewed the criteria for each type of sonnet and looked at "Ozymandius" to determine which type it was. This can also be found at the Handouts tab.

Monday Feb. 16th
Students were to have prepared a response for the article on cultural appropriation but only one group was ready. All groups must respond by the end of the week. We then read a handout on Elegies. Students learned the difference between a classical and a modern elegy. Students listened to the reading of "Elegy for Jane" and worked on the questions which were to be submitted.
REMINDER: I still need several of your paragraphs and pre-writing work. Hand them in. They're worth marks.
Students were to have prepared a response for the article on cultural appropriation but only one group was ready. All groups must respond by the end of the week. We then read a handout on Elegies. Students learned the difference between a classical and a modern elegy. Students listened to the reading of "Elegy for Jane" and worked on the questions which were to be submitted.
REMINDER: I still need several of your paragraphs and pre-writing work. Hand them in. They're worth marks.

Friday Feb. 13th
Students spent about 1/2 of the time trying to grind out a ballad. These are due next Tuesday in final draft form along with the peer review.
We also chose odes to create a visual for. Using ONE of the ode poems, students in pairs or as individuals found 5 examples of imagery and created a visual which included the title of the poem, the quote in which the imagery occurred, an illustration for each quote and identification of the device which creates each image.
Students spent about 1/2 of the time trying to grind out a ballad. These are due next Tuesday in final draft form along with the peer review.
We also chose odes to create a visual for. Using ONE of the ode poems, students in pairs or as individuals found 5 examples of imagery and created a visual which included the title of the poem, the quote in which the imagery occurred, an illustration for each quote and identification of the device which creates each image.

Thursday Feb. 12th
UPDATE: Sorry but I've been away. This week we have done the following:
a. Finished reading "The Gun" and added the gun to our Symbols in Lit. chart
b. Learned about Style in Lit. by indicating the 3 ways the author used style in "The Gun". Students were to use the handout and indicate how the author used style with an example in word choice, sentence fluency and voice. This was to be handed in.
c. Students read "Death by Landscape" and did the assignment "Symbolism in 'Death by Landscape'". This was to be handed in.
d. Students read the article on Psychology and Emotional Trauma and made a t-chart to answer how the authors of this article would view Lois from the story. They will need this t-chart next week to write a Synthesis Essay.
e. Students read the article on cultural appropriation and in groups did a vocab. exercise and formed an opinion on when it is stealing and when they feel use of other's cultural symbols or ideas is okay. We will hear from each of these groups tomorrow.
UPDATE: Sorry but I've been away. This week we have done the following:
a. Finished reading "The Gun" and added the gun to our Symbols in Lit. chart
b. Learned about Style in Lit. by indicating the 3 ways the author used style in "The Gun". Students were to use the handout and indicate how the author used style with an example in word choice, sentence fluency and voice. This was to be handed in.
c. Students read "Death by Landscape" and did the assignment "Symbolism in 'Death by Landscape'". This was to be handed in.
d. Students read the article on Psychology and Emotional Trauma and made a t-chart to answer how the authors of this article would view Lois from the story. They will need this t-chart next week to write a Synthesis Essay.
e. Students read the article on cultural appropriation and in groups did a vocab. exercise and formed an opinion on when it is stealing and when they feel use of other's cultural symbols or ideas is okay. We will hear from each of these groups tomorrow.

Friday Feb. 6th
Students did the Figurative Devices from poetry quiz. Those who were missing are expected to write on Monday. It will be a different quiz in order that those who wrote can get theirs back. Students used the vocab. handout for "The Gun" and chose what they thought the correct definition for each of the 20 words was prior to reading. We then read the story and will discuss it and the vocabulary on Monday.
Students did the Figurative Devices from poetry quiz. Those who were missing are expected to write on Monday. It will be a different quiz in order that those who wrote can get theirs back. Students used the vocab. handout for "The Gun" and chose what they thought the correct definition for each of the 20 words was prior to reading. We then read the story and will discuss it and the vocabulary on Monday.

Thursday Feb. 5th
Today's focus was on vocabulary building and deciphering new vocabulary. Students first tried to decipher the first verse of "Jabberwocky" by Lewis Carroll. We realized that the type of word, connecting to similar words we know and the context of the word were important factors. We then did a sheet on Etymology to see that knowledge of foreign languages often also help in deciphering vocabulary. We ended this section by doing a sheet on Context Clues as a source of deciphering.
Students were to be starting their ballads and they received "Peer Review for Ballad" as a guideline of the requirements. A rough draft is due on Monday Feb. 9th.
Students were reminded that tomorrow is the Lit. Terms for Poetry quiz.
The Synthesis Paragraph was due today.
Today's focus was on vocabulary building and deciphering new vocabulary. Students first tried to decipher the first verse of "Jabberwocky" by Lewis Carroll. We realized that the type of word, connecting to similar words we know and the context of the word were important factors. We then did a sheet on Etymology to see that knowledge of foreign languages often also help in deciphering vocabulary. We ended this section by doing a sheet on Context Clues as a source of deciphering.
Students were to be starting their ballads and they received "Peer Review for Ballad" as a guideline of the requirements. A rough draft is due on Monday Feb. 9th.
Students were reminded that tomorrow is the Lit. Terms for Poetry quiz.
The Synthesis Paragraph was due today.

Wednesday Feb. 4th
Students first did a practice quiz for Poetic Literary Devices quiz which will be on Friday and then we finished our "The Story of An Hour" work from yesterday. Please remember to hand this in ASAP. Remember that the Synthesis Paragraph is due tomorrow with all of the planning and rough draft work attached.
Students first did a practice quiz for Poetic Literary Devices quiz which will be on Friday and then we finished our "The Story of An Hour" work from yesterday. Please remember to hand this in ASAP. Remember that the Synthesis Paragraph is due tomorrow with all of the planning and rough draft work attached.

Tuesday Feb. 3rd
Students spent the first 20 - 30 minutes finishing deciphering "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner". We then read "The Story of An Hour" and students began the handout Short Fiction Terms Review. We will finish this assignment tomorrow. It will be a hand in for formative assessment.
Students are reminded that their Synthesis Paragraph is due on Thursday along with all of the pre-work listed below.
Students spent the first 20 - 30 minutes finishing deciphering "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner". We then read "The Story of An Hour" and students began the handout Short Fiction Terms Review. We will finish this assignment tomorrow. It will be a hand in for formative assessment.
Students are reminded that their Synthesis Paragraph is due on Thursday along with all of the pre-work listed below.
Monday Feb. 2
Monday Feb. 2nd
Students were to review their rough drafts using the Has and Needs chart. The students need to hand in the following this Thursday:
a. Tchart/Venn Diagram
b. Outline
c. Rough draft with Has and Needs chart
d. Final draft
All parts will be evaluated. Hand ALL in.
Students revieewed the last of the paradoxes which we did not finish on Friday due to the assembly. We then did the handout on Metonymy and Synecdoche . We ended by a lesson on Ballads from the Ballads handout - looked at
We then reviewed 3 ballads from the Ballads Handout as well as worked in singles or pairs to decipher Iron Maiden's Rime of the Ancient Mariner. Students are to hand in their version of what they think happened in the poem. It may be written or drawn.
Monday Feb. 2nd
Students were to review their rough drafts using the Has and Needs chart. The students need to hand in the following this Thursday:
a. Tchart/Venn Diagram
b. Outline
c. Rough draft with Has and Needs chart
d. Final draft
All parts will be evaluated. Hand ALL in.
Students revieewed the last of the paradoxes which we did not finish on Friday due to the assembly. We then did the handout on Metonymy and Synecdoche . We ended by a lesson on Ballads from the Ballads handout - looked at
We then reviewed 3 ballads from the Ballads Handout as well as worked in singles or pairs to decipher Iron Maiden's Rime of the Ancient Mariner. Students are to hand in their version of what they think happened in the poem. It may be written or drawn.

Friday Jan. 30th
Students did a quick worksheet on Oxymoron and Paradox before moving on to the second sheet which asks then to underline the parallel structure and indicate all the paradoxes which are ACTUALLY paradoxes in the text "A Paradox of Our Time". We went to a performance of cultural dancing in the gym from 2:15 until the end of class. Remember that you need a rough draft of your synthesis paragraph for Monday. Be ready. We will finish the Oxymoron and Paradox work on Monday also.
Students did a quick worksheet on Oxymoron and Paradox before moving on to the second sheet which asks then to underline the parallel structure and indicate all the paradoxes which are ACTUALLY paradoxes in the text "A Paradox of Our Time". We went to a performance of cultural dancing in the gym from 2:15 until the end of class. Remember that you need a rough draft of your synthesis paragraph for Monday. Be ready. We will finish the Oxymoron and Paradox work on Monday also.

Thursday Jan. 29th
Students went to the computer lab to finish off their drafts which were not complete. The expectation is that these drafts will be ready for tomorrow so that we can use them in class.
Students went to the computer lab to finish off their drafts which were not complete. The expectation is that these drafts will be ready for tomorrow so that we can use them in class.

Wednesday Jan. 28th
Students are away at the graduation retreat today. Students are reminded to have their drafts ready for tomorrow's class.
Students are away at the graduation retreat today. Students are reminded to have their drafts ready for tomorrow's class.

Tuesday Jan. 27th
Students began working on their outline for the synthesis paragraph from yesterday. They were to transfer their top three points from their diagram or chart to their outline then begin a rough draft in the computer lab. For those who did not finish, the expectation is that you will have a draft for Thursday (Tomorrow is the Grade 12 Retreat).
Students began working on their outline for the synthesis paragraph from yesterday. They were to transfer their top three points from their diagram or chart to their outline then begin a rough draft in the computer lab. For those who did not finish, the expectation is that you will have a draft for Thursday (Tomorrow is the Grade 12 Retreat).

Monday January 26th
We read "The Masque of Red Death" together and discussed the various events. We then discussed the symbolism as well as the ironies in the story. We reviewed the last page of "Allusions in ' The Masque of Red Death'" and chose a topic. Students are to finish a Venn diagram or chart to use in tomorrow's class. We will be using the handout we got today ("How to Write A Synthesis Paragraph").
We read "The Masque of Red Death" together and discussed the various events. We then discussed the symbolism as well as the ironies in the story. We reviewed the last page of "Allusions in ' The Masque of Red Death'" and chose a topic. Students are to finish a Venn diagram or chart to use in tomorrow's class. We will be using the handout we got today ("How to Write A Synthesis Paragraph").

Friday Jan. 23rd
Sorry for the late post. Students discussed the idea of Allusions using the handout available at the Handouts tab. We then watched the video of "American Pie" by Dan McLean and tried to match the allusions in the lyrics to the events or famous people alluded to. We had a great discussion on how allusions are or are not essential to the text. We then got a copy of "The Masque of Red Death" and we looked at the handout "Allusions in 'The Masque of Red Death'" before looking at the story. The story and the handout are on the Handouts tab. Finally we had a discussion on the morality of a person quarantining himself/herself away from society if he/she is a leader. We will be reading the story on Monday.
Sorry for the late post. Students discussed the idea of Allusions using the handout available at the Handouts tab. We then watched the video of "American Pie" by Dan McLean and tried to match the allusions in the lyrics to the events or famous people alluded to. We had a great discussion on how allusions are or are not essential to the text. We then got a copy of "The Masque of Red Death" and we looked at the handout "Allusions in 'The Masque of Red Death'" before looking at the story. The story and the handout are on the Handouts tab. Finally we had a discussion on the morality of a person quarantining himself/herself away from society if he/she is a leader. We will be reading the story on Monday.

Thursday Jan. 22nd
We started by looking over the course outline and explaining the 4 pt. evaluation system. Next we used the English Twelve Terms and Devices Handbook and looked over the Figurative Devices section. We discussed new terms especially Synecdoche and Metonymy
then did a quick practice quiz. Finally we looked at the puns handout and students worked together to decipher the puns.
We started by looking over the course outline and explaining the 4 pt. evaluation system. Next we used the English Twelve Terms and Devices Handbook and looked over the Figurative Devices section. We discussed new terms especially Synecdoche and Metonymy
then did a quick practice quiz. Finally we looked at the puns handout and students worked together to decipher the puns.