ENGLISH 12 - 2

Boot camp is an opportunity for students to complete the learning outcomes they have missed or are weak in. It is purely voluntary and takes place from 9:00 to 12:00 and 1:00 to 3:00 this Thursday and Friday. Students who attend will be able to add to their marks with the work they complete to a satisfactory degree.
Boot camp is an opportunity for students to complete the learning outcomes they have missed or are weak in. It is purely voluntary and takes place from 9:00 to 12:00 and 1:00 to 3:00 this Thursday and Friday. Students who attend will be able to add to their marks with the work they complete to a satisfactory degree.

Monday Jan. 12th
Mock final today. Students wrote the m/c choice portion of a practice BCP as well as started the synthesis text section. Students will have tomorrow's class to complete the synthesis as well as the composition section. This mock final is worth 5%.
Mock final today. Students wrote the m/c choice portion of a practice BCP as well as started the synthesis text section. Students will have tomorrow's class to complete the synthesis as well as the composition section. This mock final is worth 5%.

Friday Jan. 9th
Students did the P - W quiz then wrote an OUTLINE of the answer to the synthesis question "How would the narrator of 'The Technology of Simplicity' view the lifestyle in 'Dearest Margaret'". Remember that Monday is the practice BCP worth 8% of your final grade.
Students did the P - W quiz then wrote an OUTLINE of the answer to the synthesis question "How would the narrator of 'The Technology of Simplicity' view the lifestyle in 'Dearest Margaret'". Remember that Monday is the practice BCP worth 8% of your final grade.
Thursday Jan. 8th
Students did the G - O quiz as well as worked on finishing any missing pieces from the week. At the end of the class we went to the British Columbia Ministry of Education site to look the Exam Specs. for the final exam. Students are encouraged to look at this site and try out the practice exams on the site: http://www.bced.gov.bc.ca/exams/
Remember that the P - W quiz is tomorrow.
Students did the G - O quiz as well as worked on finishing any missing pieces from the week. At the end of the class we went to the British Columbia Ministry of Education site to look the Exam Specs. for the final exam. Students are encouraged to look at this site and try out the practice exams on the site: http://www.bced.gov.bc.ca/exams/
Remember that the P - W quiz is tomorrow.

Wednesday Jan. 7th
We did our A - F quiz then worked on finishing the paragraphs from yesterday as well as the m/c from 3 prose pieces. If you were missing, you need to come and get the 3 pieces and the readings from me.
Remember the G - O quiz is tomorrow.

Tuesday Jan. 6th
Students who had not finished the m/c from yesterday finished today. Those who were finished were to complete the graphic organizer for She's the Man as well as choose one of the following questions to write a paragraph of literary response:
a. Discuss the qualities which the speaker values in her lifestyle in "Dearest Margaret".
b. In "Basement Stairs" discuss the relationship between the speaker and her father.
c. Discuss the theme of the poem "Digging".
We also reviewed the terms from G - O for Thursday's quiz.
The paragraph should be 150 - 200 words in length and contain 3 specific references to the poem.
REMINDER there will be a quiz on A - F from the terms list tomorrow.
Students who had not finished the m/c from yesterday finished today. Those who were finished were to complete the graphic organizer for She's the Man as well as choose one of the following questions to write a paragraph of literary response:
a. Discuss the qualities which the speaker values in her lifestyle in "Dearest Margaret".
b. In "Basement Stairs" discuss the relationship between the speaker and her father.
c. Discuss the theme of the poem "Digging".
We also reviewed the terms from G - O for Thursday's quiz.
The paragraph should be 150 - 200 words in length and contain 3 specific references to the poem.
REMINDER there will be a quiz on A - F from the terms list tomorrow.

Monday Jan. 5th
Today we went through the Terms for BCP sheet ( A - F only). Students will need to know these for a quick quiz on Wednesday. We then worked in groups on the 3 poems for practice and did the m/c for these. If you were missing, you need to get a copy of all three and do the m/c before the end of the week.
Today we went through the Terms for BCP sheet ( A - F only). Students will need to know these for a quick quiz on Wednesday. We then worked in groups on the 3 poems for practice and did the m/c for these. If you were missing, you need to get a copy of all three and do the m/c before the end of the week.

Thursday Dec. 18th

Wednesday Dec. 17th
Mrs. Mahoney was at meetings today. Students were to finish watching She's the Man and create a graphic organizer which compares the movie to the play Twelfth Night in terms of characters, setting, themes of love, plot events and elements of comedy. This is to be handed in for marks.
Tuesday Dec. 16th
Students reviewed for Thursday's exam then watched the beginning of She's the Man. We will be finishing the movie tomorrow and filling in a graphic organizer which compares/contrasts the movie to the play Twelfth Night.
Students reviewed for Thursday's exam then watched the beginning of She's the Man. We will be finishing the movie tomorrow and filling in a graphic organizer which compares/contrasts the movie to the play Twelfth Night.

Monday Dec. 15th
Students read to the end of the play. We then added to our puzzle pieces. Tomorrow we will do final notes as well as start viewing She's the Man.
Students read to the end of the play. We then added to our puzzle pieces. Tomorrow we will do final notes as well as start viewing She's the Man.

Friday Dec. 12th
Students added to their puzzle pieces for 5 minutes then read more of the play. We have reached Act IV scene i.
Students added to their puzzle pieces for 5 minutes then read more of the play. We have reached Act IV scene i.

Thursday Dec. 11th
Students did the partner quiz for Acts I and II. The remainder of the period was spent reading into Act III. We read into the middle of Act III scene iv.
Students did the partner quiz for Acts I and II. The remainder of the period was spent reading into Act III. We read into the middle of Act III scene iv.

Wednesday Dec. 10th
Students watched the rest of Acts I and II of the film and prepared for tomorrow's quiz. We then read Act III scene i and ii.
Students watched the rest of Acts I and II of the film and prepared for tomorrow's quiz. We then read Act III scene i and ii.

Tuesday Dec. 9th
Students finished Act II. There will be a quiz on Acts I and II on Thursday. We then watched part of Act I from Bonham Carter in Twelfth Night. You can view this version on uTube but can only access it scene by scene. We will finish watching the rest tomorrow.
Students finished Act II. There will be a quiz on Acts I and II on Thursday. We then watched part of Act I from Bonham Carter in Twelfth Night. You can view this version on uTube but can only access it scene by scene. We will finish watching the rest tomorrow.

Monday Dec. 8th
Students continued reading with Twelfth Night up to and including Act II scene iii. If you were missing, you are responsible for reading this section. We then ended with students going back into the puzzle piece groups from Friday and adding more information.
Students continued reading with Twelfth Night up to and including Act II scene iii. If you were missing, you are responsible for reading this section. We then ended with students going back into the puzzle piece groups from Friday and adding more information.

Friday Dec. 5th
Students chose a partner or partners to be part of a Jigsaw Puzzle exercise for the play's duration. Each group chose an area to look for information on and record their findings on their puzzle piece. If you were missing, you may choose a group to join (as long as your group is no more than 3 student) or you can choose another topic not already chosen by the class. After about 15 minutes, students put away their puzzle pieces and continued to read to the middle of Act I scene v line 539. If you were missing, you are responsible to read this far for Monday.
Students chose a partner or partners to be part of a Jigsaw Puzzle exercise for the play's duration. Each group chose an area to look for information on and record their findings on their puzzle piece. If you were missing, you may choose a group to join (as long as your group is no more than 3 student) or you can choose another topic not already chosen by the class. After about 15 minutes, students put away their puzzle pieces and continued to read to the middle of Act I scene v line 539. If you were missing, you are responsible to read this far for Monday.

Thursday Dec. 4th
KISS THE LPI GOODBYE! We did the LPI today. I am very proud of all of your preparation for this test. Well done.
KISS THE LPI GOODBYE! We did the LPI today. I am very proud of all of your preparation for this test. Well done.

Wednesday Dec. 3rd
Students began our Twelfth Night unit. We first watched two movie trailers (located at English 12 - 1) - Dumb and Dumber and A romantic comedy trailer. We discussed what elements of comedy could be found in each - stupid people, romance and views on love, slapstick comedy, sexual innuendo, etc.
We read the first 3 scenes of Twelfth Night and discussed what was going on. Students are encouraged to use No Fear Shakespeare site to assist them in understanding the play.
Students began our Twelfth Night unit. We first watched two movie trailers (located at English 12 - 1) - Dumb and Dumber and A romantic comedy trailer. We discussed what elements of comedy could be found in each - stupid people, romance and views on love, slapstick comedy, sexual innuendo, etc.
We read the first 3 scenes of Twelfth Night and discussed what was going on. Students are encouraged to use No Fear Shakespeare site to assist them in understanding the play.

Tuesday Dec. 2nd
Dog's Breakfast Day???? We worked on a variety of things including watching the last of the demos in small groups, getting our argumentative assignments ready for Friday, finishing off the quizzes some missed last Friday while at volleyball, and any other bits and bobs which were missing. REMEMBER THAT THURSDAY IS THE LPI. IF YOU ARE NOT GOING TO TAKE THIS TEST, BRING IN YOUR PARENT LETTER.
Dog's Breakfast Day???? We worked on a variety of things including watching the last of the demos in small groups, getting our argumentative assignments ready for Friday, finishing off the quizzes some missed last Friday while at volleyball, and any other bits and bobs which were missing. REMEMBER THAT THURSDAY IS THE LPI. IF YOU ARE NOT GOING TO TAKE THIS TEST, BRING IN YOUR PARENT LETTER.

Monday Dec. 1st
Today students did the PT. IV (essay writing) section of the LPI practice. They also received a huge amount of paper back today (depending upon how much they have submitted for the novel unit). Tomorrow new grades will be published. Ask for an update parents.
Today students did the PT. IV (essay writing) section of the LPI practice. They also received a huge amount of paper back today (depending upon how much they have submitted for the novel unit). Tomorrow new grades will be published. Ask for an update parents.

Friday Nov. 29th
Students did a practice LPI Pts. I - III today. We will do Pt. IV tomorrow. The remainder of the time was spent working on their argumentative assignment started on Tuesday.
REMEMBER: Tonight by midnight you need to have submitted your theme essay.
THURSDAY DEC. 4TH - LPI EXAM. If you are NOT writing, you need to submit your letter of permission ASAP.
Students did a practice LPI Pts. I - III today. We will do Pt. IV tomorrow. The remainder of the time was spent working on their argumentative assignment started on Tuesday.
REMEMBER: Tonight by midnight you need to have submitted your theme essay.
THURSDAY DEC. 4TH - LPI EXAM. If you are NOT writing, you need to submit your letter of permission ASAP.

Thursday Nov. 27th
Students had a shortened class today as there was a grad meeting at 11:10. Students worked on their arguments for their assignment from last Tuesday. Tomorrow is the practice test for the LPI - EVERYBODY WRITES! Remember that the cut off for theme essays from the novel is tomorrow at midnight.
Students had a shortened class today as there was a grad meeting at 11:10. Students worked on their arguments for their assignment from last Tuesday. Tomorrow is the practice test for the LPI - EVERYBODY WRITES! Remember that the cut off for theme essays from the novel is tomorrow at midnight.

Wednesday Nov. 26th
Students did exercises to practice for the LPI practice on Friday. They worked in pairs or groups and submitted their work for a mark.
Students did exercises to practice for the LPI practice on Friday. They worked in pairs or groups and submitted their work for a mark.

Tuesday Nov. 25th
We looked at PART IV of the LPI - writing essays. Be sure to get the handout which gives guidelines for the essay. We then looked at samples and provided guesses at what score each sample would get. Finally, we looked at 9 possible topics for the LPI in groups. Groups chose 3 and using the whiteboards, brainstormed responses to these 3. From there they narrowed down to ONE topic and exchanged their whiteboards with other groups to add ideas. Tomorrow we will be researching our chosen topic to prepare a presentation on our argument.
We looked at PART IV of the LPI - writing essays. Be sure to get the handout which gives guidelines for the essay. We then looked at samples and provided guesses at what score each sample would get. Finally, we looked at 9 possible topics for the LPI in groups. Groups chose 3 and using the whiteboards, brainstormed responses to these 3. From there they narrowed down to ONE topic and exchanged their whiteboards with other groups to add ideas. Tomorrow we will be researching our chosen topic to prepare a presentation on our argument.

Monday Nov. 24th
The first 1/2 of the class was spent in the lab finishing any graphic text assignments which were not done. In the second 1/2 students learned about how to do PART III of the LPI. If you were missing, be sure to get the handouts from me tomorrow.
The first 1/2 of the class was spent in the lab finishing any graphic text assignments which were not done. In the second 1/2 students learned about how to do PART III of the LPI. If you were missing, be sure to get the handouts from me tomorrow.

Friday Nov. 21
Students wrote an in-class essay. They had the choice of either a process analysis or a definition essay. They could choose their own subjects. Anyone who missed needs to see me as this is a timed essay.
Students wrote an in-class essay. They had the choice of either a process analysis or a definition essay. They could choose their own subjects. Anyone who missed needs to see me as this is a timed essay.

Thursday Nov. 20th
Students began with the usual reminders concerning tomorrow's cut off for tasks and next Friday's cut off for the theme essay. We then reviewed the definitions which students had created using yesterday's Definition Essay exercise. We discussed the differences in each and what wording we could agree with. From there we reviewed the handout "Defining" If you were missing, you need to get this from me along with the essay sample. The sample - Justice- can be found on the Handouts tab also. Students reviewed the essay and filled in a graphic organizer which broke down the essay into the term ( justice), its etymology, its dictionary definition , 3 examples from the text which assist the definition and the 4 categories which the term justice was divided into.
TOMORROW: Students will be writing their own essays in class - either process analysis like yesterday's "The Knife" or definition type like our sample. Students may bring in notes, organizers, lists, etc but NO ROUGH DRAFTS. All material brought in needs to be attached to the essay when the time expires.
Students began with the usual reminders concerning tomorrow's cut off for tasks and next Friday's cut off for the theme essay. We then reviewed the definitions which students had created using yesterday's Definition Essay exercise. We discussed the differences in each and what wording we could agree with. From there we reviewed the handout "Defining" If you were missing, you need to get this from me along with the essay sample. The sample - Justice- can be found on the Handouts tab also. Students reviewed the essay and filled in a graphic organizer which broke down the essay into the term ( justice), its etymology, its dictionary definition , 3 examples from the text which assist the definition and the 4 categories which the term justice was divided into.
TOMORROW: Students will be writing their own essays in class - either process analysis like yesterday's "The Knife" or definition type like our sample. Students may bring in notes, organizers, lists, etc but NO ROUGH DRAFTS. All material brought in needs to be attached to the essay when the time expires.

Wednesday Nov. 19th
Students began with a reminder of the upcoming dates for novel tasks cutoff - Nov. 21st
We read "The Knife" as well as "Motherhood" -process analysis essays and discussed how the process analysis essay is different from the process texts. As well we discussed these essays tones, thesis and imagery. Students who missed this information need to read the essays and talk to me if you cannot recognize at least 3 differences.
Definition Essay exercise - we did a group exercise in which we discussed various scenarios and whether they did or did not apply to the concept heading. If you were missing, get this handout from me. Students then brainstormed a definition for either 'art', 'child abuse' or 'sexual harassment'.
Students began with a reminder of the upcoming dates for novel tasks cutoff - Nov. 21st
We read "The Knife" as well as "Motherhood" -process analysis essays and discussed how the process analysis essay is different from the process texts. As well we discussed these essays tones, thesis and imagery. Students who missed this information need to read the essays and talk to me if you cannot recognize at least 3 differences.
Definition Essay exercise - we did a group exercise in which we discussed various scenarios and whether they did or did not apply to the concept heading. If you were missing, get this handout from me. Students then brainstormed a definition for either 'art', 'child abuse' or 'sexual harassment'.

Students are reminded that there are upcoming deadlines for novel tasks as well as the theme essay.
We went down to Mr. Gilles lab to work on a graphic text assignment ( See Handouts tab).
We went down to Mr. Gilles lab to work on a graphic text assignment ( See Handouts tab).
Monday Nov. 17th
Students were reminded of the upcoming deadlines for novel tasks (Nov. 21st) and theme essay (Nov. 28th). Also, if you are not writing the LPI you will require a letter from your parent excusing you from the test. Please return these ASAP.
We then had many more demos including a visit from Ernie the Cat to see how to groom your cat. We went to the workout room to see some fitness exercise demos and had some videos which are shown here.
Remember that tomorrow we are in Mr. Gillies' lab for the Graphic Text One Page assignment.
Students were reminded of the upcoming deadlines for novel tasks (Nov. 21st) and theme essay (Nov. 28th). Also, if you are not writing the LPI you will require a letter from your parent excusing you from the test. Please return these ASAP.
We then had many more demos including a visit from Ernie the Cat to see how to groom your cat. We went to the workout room to see some fitness exercise demos and had some videos which are shown here.
Remember that tomorrow we are in Mr. Gillies' lab for the Graphic Text One Page assignment.

Friday Nov. 14th
Cut off for blog today. Remember that I will begin marking them on Sunday afternoon so be finished.
See yesterday's entry for relevant dates for cut off for novel materials.
We started with our grammar quiz which took more time than I had expected. Students did the quiz and then we had a demo on dry ice bubbles. Thank you Kyle J! The rest of the demos should be ready for Monday.
Cut off for blog today. Remember that I will begin marking them on Sunday afternoon so be finished.
See yesterday's entry for relevant dates for cut off for novel materials.
We started with our grammar quiz which took more time than I had expected. Students did the quiz and then we had a demo on dry ice bubbles. Thank you Kyle J! The rest of the demos should be ready for Monday.

1. Reviewed the pertinent upcoming due dates:
Nov. 14 Blogs cut off
Nov. 21 Last day for tasks.
Nov. 28 last day for theme essay for novel.
TOMORROW: Grammar quiz
2. We did a handout on parallel structure then did all 4 of the practice exercises for Pt. I of the LPI. REMEMBER that students who are not writing this test STILL NEED TO KNOW THIS MATERIAL.
1. Reviewed the pertinent upcoming due dates:
Nov. 14 Blogs cut off
Nov. 21 Last day for tasks.
Nov. 28 last day for theme essay for novel.
TOMORROW: Grammar quiz
2. We did a handout on parallel structure then did all 4 of the practice exercises for Pt. I of the LPI. REMEMBER that students who are not writing this test STILL NEED TO KNOW THIS MATERIAL.

Wednesday Nov. 12
Students did exercise #1 from the handout on pronouns and antecedents. We then went through the upcoming How To assignment (See Handout tab for information). Students decided whether they were doing a small group instruction, a video or a live demonstration. These were booked for either Friday or Monday. If you were missing, you need to indicate to me tomorrow which type you intend to do and whether you need a special setting or equipment. If you are bringing a pet for part of your demo, please inform us so that anyone with allergies can be aware. We finished the class with a mini-lesson on Graphic Text. Students looked at a handout and listed the various elements of graphic text found on the handout. Students then handed this in.
REMINDER: There will be a short quiz on the comma splice, sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, misplaced modifiers and pronoun references on THIS FRIDAY
Students did exercise #1 from the handout on pronouns and antecedents. We then went through the upcoming How To assignment (See Handout tab for information). Students decided whether they were doing a small group instruction, a video or a live demonstration. These were booked for either Friday or Monday. If you were missing, you need to indicate to me tomorrow which type you intend to do and whether you need a special setting or equipment. If you are bringing a pet for part of your demo, please inform us so that anyone with allergies can be aware. We finished the class with a mini-lesson on Graphic Text. Students looked at a handout and listed the various elements of graphic text found on the handout. Students then handed this in.
REMINDER: There will be a short quiz on the comma splice, sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, misplaced modifiers and pronoun references on THIS FRIDAY

Monday Nov. 10th Today was the Remembrance Day ceremony so almost 1/2 of the class were away for attendance. Students who were present were reminded about upcoming deadlines including the Nov. 21 cutoff for the 4 novel tasks and the Nov. 15th cut off for the blogs.
We then proceeded to the gym for the ceremony.
We then proceeded to the gym for the ceremony.

Friday Nov. 7th
Students held Lit. Circles for I am The Messenger and 13 Reasons Why. The other students worked in the library on the novel work which was due today. We had an excellent discussion about teen suicide and how it might be prevented or whether talking about it can cause more suicides.
Students held Lit. Circles for I am The Messenger and 13 Reasons Why. The other students worked in the library on the novel work which was due today. We had an excellent discussion about teen suicide and how it might be prevented or whether talking about it can cause more suicides.

Students learned how to fix 2 grammar errors - the misplaced modifier and the dangling modifier. We did a handout with students working together on the exercises and the class correcting together. The final paragraph of the handout was done in pairs and handed in for evaluation.
Remember that tomorrow is the target date for handing in your 4 tasks for the novel. We will be hosting a final lit. circle for all novels tomorrow. Be ready.
Students learned how to fix 2 grammar errors - the misplaced modifier and the dangling modifier. We did a handout with students working together on the exercises and the class correcting together. The final paragraph of the handout was done in pairs and handed in for evaluation.
Remember that tomorrow is the target date for handing in your 4 tasks for the novel. We will be hosting a final lit. circle for all novels tomorrow. Be ready.

Wednesday Nov. 5th
Today was the fundraiser for Derrick - some went to this fundraiser and others worked on the novel studies which are due on Friday.
Today was the fundraiser for Derrick - some went to this fundraiser and others worked on the novel studies which are due on Friday.

Tuesday Nov. 4th
Reminder: All 4 tasks are due on Friday Nov. 7th.
Students started with an unscramble a paragraph exercise which they did in groups. Then they had to eliminate all of the run on sentences and comma splices.
PROCESS videos _ NOTE LOOK at English 12 - 1 for these videos. a. Form groups of at least 3. b. Watch each video and brainstorm the positives and negatives of each. c. Come up with 5 criteria which make up an effective How-To video or live demonstration. Hand these in. You will be marked for your group contributions and process.
Reminder: All 4 tasks are due on Friday Nov. 7th.
Students started with an unscramble a paragraph exercise which they did in groups. Then they had to eliminate all of the run on sentences and comma splices.
PROCESS videos _ NOTE LOOK at English 12 - 1 for these videos. a. Form groups of at least 3. b. Watch each video and brainstorm the positives and negatives of each. c. Come up with 5 criteria which make up an effective How-To video or live demonstration. Hand these in. You will be marked for your group contributions and process.

Monday Nov. 3rd
Students were reminded of the upcoming deadlines:
Nov. 7th- 4 tasks due
Nov. 14h - blogs finished and theme essay due
We then discussed the non-mandatory nature of the LPI BUT students are required to be evaluated on all prep. work as these lessons reflect the language PLOs. PARENTS: If you do not require your student to write the LPI, you will be receiving a letter which you need to sign and return. It is your responsibility to determine if the LPI is necessary for your student's future educational pursuits.
We reviewed the concepts of run on sentences (fused sentences and comma splices) as well as sentence fragments. Students did both the practice exercises for these concepts and handed in their sentences from these.
See Handouts tab for the handout "Avoiding Run on Sentences ..." but please write the sentences on loose leaf to save paper.
Students were reminded of the upcoming deadlines:
Nov. 7th- 4 tasks due
Nov. 14h - blogs finished and theme essay due
We then discussed the non-mandatory nature of the LPI BUT students are required to be evaluated on all prep. work as these lessons reflect the language PLOs. PARENTS: If you do not require your student to write the LPI, you will be receiving a letter which you need to sign and return. It is your responsibility to determine if the LPI is necessary for your student's future educational pursuits.
We reviewed the concepts of run on sentences (fused sentences and comma splices) as well as sentence fragments. Students did both the practice exercises for these concepts and handed in their sentences from these.
See Handouts tab for the handout "Avoiding Run on Sentences ..." but please write the sentences on loose leaf to save paper.

Friday Oct 31st
Students had their last opportunity to work on the novel study. Next week we are moving on to some new material and time to work on novel studies will be limited.
Thursday Oct. 30th
Students went to the lab to add to their blogs. Remember that tomorrow is the last class time dedicated to full time novel work. Get your novel finished by Monday. The tasks except for the theme essay are due on Nov. 7th.
Students went to the lab to add to their blogs. Remember that tomorrow is the last class time dedicated to full time novel work. Get your novel finished by Monday. The tasks except for the theme essay are due on Nov. 7th.
Wednesday Oct. 29th
Students had a quick lesson on writing a theme essay and we discussed various themes which could surface in the various novels. Students then worked on reading and novel tasks.
Students had a quick lesson on writing a theme essay and we discussed various themes which could surface in the various novels. Students then worked on reading and novel tasks.

I'M BACK!!! While I was away both Friday and Monday, students worked at the computer lab on their novel blogs as well as their novel reading and tasks. Today we reviewed the upcoming dates:
Friday Oct. 31st - Any missing satires and parodies are due. This is the end of Term 1 and report card marks must be submitted for the term.
Mon. Nov. 3 - Have the novel finished.
Friday Nov. 7 - Tasks are due except for Theme essay task.
Students then held a very lively discussion for the I am The Messenger lit. circle. We concluded with a lit. circle for Nineteen Minutes and discussed recent school shootings as well as how individuals can have similar experiences as the shooter and yet not become violent.
Tomorrow we will have another lit. circle for those who have not had a second circle.
Students who were not part of the lit. circle were to be working on tasks and reading.
I'M BACK!!! While I was away both Friday and Monday, students worked at the computer lab on their novel blogs as well as their novel reading and tasks. Today we reviewed the upcoming dates:
Friday Oct. 31st - Any missing satires and parodies are due. This is the end of Term 1 and report card marks must be submitted for the term.
Mon. Nov. 3 - Have the novel finished.
Friday Nov. 7 - Tasks are due except for Theme essay task.
Students then held a very lively discussion for the I am The Messenger lit. circle. We concluded with a lit. circle for Nineteen Minutes and discussed recent school shootings as well as how individuals can have similar experiences as the shooter and yet not become violent.
Tomorrow we will have another lit. circle for those who have not had a second circle.
Students who were not part of the lit. circle were to be working on tasks and reading.

Wednesday Oct. 22
My apologies for the missing posts from the last 2 days. If you look at Friday's post, you will know what went on. Today we went to the computer lab to work on our novel blogs. Students were to answer the discussion question from week 1 as well as pose one of their own and respond to a peer's question. Some had problems in logging in. You will be back in the lab on Friday. I will leave your user names with the sub in case you forget your user name. Remember that by Monday you should have finished at least 2/3 of your novel.
Students who are going to Dawson for volleyball next week need to have me sign your forms tomorrow, as I am away on Friday.
My apologies for the missing posts from the last 2 days. If you look at Friday's post, you will know what went on. Today we went to the computer lab to work on our novel blogs. Students were to answer the discussion question from week 1 as well as pose one of their own and respond to a peer's question. Some had problems in logging in. You will be back in the lab on Friday. I will leave your user names with the sub in case you forget your user name. Remember that by Monday you should have finished at least 2/3 of your novel.
Students who are going to Dawson for volleyball next week need to have me sign your forms tomorrow, as I am away on Friday.

Friday Oct. 17th
Students re-tested for sections they wanted to improve upon in last week's Unit Exam. Students also worked on reading their novels. They should have read at least 1/3 of the novel by Monday.
PARENTS: An FYI - I will be away on both Tuesday and Friday. If you're student tells you that he/she has a sub, and "we're not doing anything" - IT'S NOT TRUE. We are in the middle of a novel unit with LOTS to do. Below is the week's plan for your information.
Monday:Lit. circles for those who did not do a lit. circle #1. Students not in a lit. circle will need to be reading and should have chosen their novel tasks and begun working on them.
Tuesday: I am away. Students will continue to read and work on novel tasks. Those doing a task involving research will be allowed to go to the library if they need reference material.
Wednesday: Computer lab to work on answering the weekly discussion question, pose a student question, answer a peer's question and work on novel tasks.
Thursday: Round two of lit. circles. All novels will have lit. circles this day.
Friday: I am away. Once again students will go to the lab to work on their blogs and novel tasks.
The students should have finished at least 2/3 of the novel by now.
Students re-tested for sections they wanted to improve upon in last week's Unit Exam. Students also worked on reading their novels. They should have read at least 1/3 of the novel by Monday.
PARENTS: An FYI - I will be away on both Tuesday and Friday. If you're student tells you that he/she has a sub, and "we're not doing anything" - IT'S NOT TRUE. We are in the middle of a novel unit with LOTS to do. Below is the week's plan for your information.
Monday:Lit. circles for those who did not do a lit. circle #1. Students not in a lit. circle will need to be reading and should have chosen their novel tasks and begun working on them.
Tuesday: I am away. Students will continue to read and work on novel tasks. Those doing a task involving research will be allowed to go to the library if they need reference material.
Wednesday: Computer lab to work on answering the weekly discussion question, pose a student question, answer a peer's question and work on novel tasks.
Thursday: Round two of lit. circles. All novels will have lit. circles this day.
Friday: I am away. Once again students will go to the lab to work on their blogs and novel tasks.
The students should have finished at least 2/3 of the novel by now.

Thursday Oct. 16th
Thanks so much for all of your hard work in getting in your missing assignments.
Today we started with an earthquake drill to 'celebrate'? Shake Day. After that, we reviewed how to register for the novel blog. Students went in small groups to the lab to register - a few of you can do this tomorrow. Students also indicated which sections of the Unit One Exam they plan on re-writing tomorrow. Copies of the story for the test can be picked up at lunch or after school.
If you missed the class, check out the information on the novel forum/blog and how to get on posted at the Handouts tab. Using the <https://edmo.do/j/3memh8> address, you should get to a screen which asks you to sign up. Click on the student button and fill in all of the password and username info as well as your actual name. You will get a message which says you have requested to join PCSS English 12. I will accept your request and then give you access to your novel group.
Thanks so much for all of your hard work in getting in your missing assignments.
Today we started with an earthquake drill to 'celebrate'? Shake Day. After that, we reviewed how to register for the novel blog. Students went in small groups to the lab to register - a few of you can do this tomorrow. Students also indicated which sections of the Unit One Exam they plan on re-writing tomorrow. Copies of the story for the test can be picked up at lunch or after school.
If you missed the class, check out the information on the novel forum/blog and how to get on posted at the Handouts tab. Using the <https://edmo.do/j/3memh8> address, you should get to a screen which asks you to sign up. Click on the student button and fill in all of the password and username info as well as your actual name. You will get a message which says you have requested to join PCSS English 12. I will accept your request and then give you access to your novel group.

Students who did not get novels, did so today. There are still 2 people searching for the novel 13 Reasons Why. We discussed how novel circles work and did a lit. circle for I am the Messenger and 13 Reasons Why. Those who did not have a novel circle today will do so tomorrow. We will also be in the lab to begin using the forum/blog.
Students who did not get novels, did so today. There are still 2 people searching for the novel 13 Reasons Why. We discussed how novel circles work and did a lit. circle for I am the Messenger and 13 Reasons Why. Those who did not have a novel circle today will do so tomorrow. We will also be in the lab to begin using the forum/blog.

We got our novels and criteria for the novel study today. THERE WAS A KERFUFFLE regarding the shortage of 13 Reasons Why. Some students chose another novel while others are planning to go to the public library or download on their own devices. Students should have about 1/10th of the novel read for tomorrow. There will be a lit. circle for each group. Students read and worked on last minute things.
They also received back some marked work including the unit test. They will have a chance to re-write on Friday if they so choose.
We got our novels and criteria for the novel study today. THERE WAS A KERFUFFLE regarding the shortage of 13 Reasons Why. Some students chose another novel while others are planning to go to the public library or download on their own devices. Students should have about 1/10th of the novel read for tomorrow. There will be a lit. circle for each group. Students read and worked on last minute things.
They also received back some marked work including the unit test. They will have a chance to re-write on Friday if they so choose.

Thursday Oct. 9th
Students worked on their satire projects or other incomplete work because the 15 is the cut off for everything other than satire and parody. Satires should be ready for Tuesday. Feel free to drop by before the weekend to pick up your novel.
Students worked on their satire projects or other incomplete work because the 15 is the cut off for everything other than satire and parody. Satires should be ready for Tuesday. Feel free to drop by before the weekend to pick up your novel.

Wednesday Oct. 8th
Students who needed extra time to finish off their unit test worked on this. Others worked on their satire projects or did some revisions to work they had received back.
Students who needed extra time to finish off their unit test worked on this. Others worked on their satire projects or did some revisions to work they had received back.
Tuesday Oct. 7th
Students wrote the unit one exam today. If you missed this exam, you will be expected to write it when you return. Those who still have the paragraph portion to write will have the option of doing so in class tomorrow or in a spare or at lunch. Those who choose to write it in class are reminded that their Satire project should be finished for the end of Thursday's class.
Students wrote the unit one exam today. If you missed this exam, you will be expected to write it when you return. Those who still have the paragraph portion to write will have the option of doing so in class tomorrow or in a spare or at lunch. Those who choose to write it in class are reminded that their Satire project should be finished for the end of Thursday's class.
Students were reminded that the cut off is the 15 for all work due up to the end of last week ( including the synthesis essay). We reviewed and students were given "Windows" as the test piece they are to read for tomorrow's exam. Be ready. We spent the rest of the class starting our Satire and Parody projects from last week. Students should have them ready for Thursday. If you are doing a project which is quite involved, you may ask to get an extension PROVIDED YOU HAVE BEEN USING YOUR CLASS TIME WELL.
Tuesday Sept. 29th
Due to technical problems yesterday, I could not post the work. Yesterday students had a brief lesson on parody by viewing the Word Crimes video on the English 12 - 1 tab then reading William Carlos Williams' "This is Just to Say" and a parody of it. Students were given some time to work on their synthesis essay. Many have been away and not getting caught up or reading the information on the site.
Today we read "The Passionate Shepherd" and "The Nymph's Reply" to figure out what a pastoral poem is and review an older parody. We then looked at the Country Girls video and discussed how it's a cross over between satire and parody especially since some of lines from a variety of songs are borrowed and not from one original piece. We finished by reading a satirical report of the death of Bill Nye.
Due to technical problems yesterday, I could not post the work. Yesterday students had a brief lesson on parody by viewing the Word Crimes video on the English 12 - 1 tab then reading William Carlos Williams' "This is Just to Say" and a parody of it. Students were given some time to work on their synthesis essay. Many have been away and not getting caught up or reading the information on the site.
Today we read "The Passionate Shepherd" and "The Nymph's Reply" to figure out what a pastoral poem is and review an older parody. We then looked at the Country Girls video and discussed how it's a cross over between satire and parody especially since some of lines from a variety of songs are borrowed and not from one original piece. We finished by reading a satirical report of the death of Bill Nye.
Students are reminded that tomorrow is Terry Fox Run. Dress appropriately.
Students read "My Last Duchess" and did the attached questions. If you missed, you might want to watch the video below for help.
Students are reminded to be sure to have submitted the following:
"The Masque of Red Death" final copy along with rough and rubric
Figurative Device poster
"Elegy for Jane" questions
Ode exercise
Epitaph and Epigraph
BONUS: Find another uTube video or an article which tells us more about the poem or which sheds more light on the poem. Submit the URL and a description of what NEW material the article or video brings to light.
Students are reminded that tomorrow is Terry Fox Run. Dress appropriately.
Students read "My Last Duchess" and did the attached questions. If you missed, you might want to watch the video below for help.
Students are reminded to be sure to have submitted the following:
"The Masque of Red Death" final copy along with rough and rubric
Figurative Device poster
"Elegy for Jane" questions
Ode exercise
Epitaph and Epigraph
BONUS: Find another uTube video or an article which tells us more about the poem or which sheds more light on the poem. Submit the URL and a description of what NEW material the article or video brings to light.

Students reviewed the differences between English and Italian sonnets. If you missed the class, remember to pick up a handout and review the rhyme scheme and form. From there we looked at the synthesis topics :
TOPIC ONE: How would the author of "Psychology and Trauma" explain Lois's present mental state?
TOPIC TWO: How would the author of "The Psychology of Guns" explain the actions of the narrator in "The Gun"?
Students took the corresponding article depending upon what topic he/she chose and began working through an organizer or notes which showed at least 3 connections and found proof from each piece to tie them together. This outline needs to be ready for Friday.
DON'T forget to hand in your ode or elegy on Friday and have your Epigraph vs. Epitaph handout ready too.
Students reviewed the differences between English and Italian sonnets. If you missed the class, remember to pick up a handout and review the rhyme scheme and form. From there we looked at the synthesis topics :
TOPIC ONE: How would the author of "Psychology and Trauma" explain Lois's present mental state?
TOPIC TWO: How would the author of "The Psychology of Guns" explain the actions of the narrator in "The Gun"?
Students took the corresponding article depending upon what topic he/she chose and began working through an organizer or notes which showed at least 3 connections and found proof from each piece to tie them together. This outline needs to be ready for Friday.
DON'T forget to hand in your ode or elegy on Friday and have your Epigraph vs. Epitaph handout ready too.

Students viewed the epitaphs from http://people.howstuffworks.com/11-memorable-epitaphs.htm#page=20for some ideas on how they could write their own epitaph. Sounds morbid but many had some amusing final words. They worked on the Epigraph vs. Epitaph handout which should be finished and handed in for Thursday. Next we reviewed their odes or elegies in the following manner:
Circle 5 sophisticated words used - if you don't have 5 choose some which need changing.
Underline all examples of imagery - if you don't have this, add similes, metaphors, adjectives, etc.
For odes * all points where the poem gives praise
For elegies * all points which show characteristics of the 'deceased'
Final draft for Friday please.
Students viewed the epitaphs from http://people.howstuffworks.com/11-memorable-epitaphs.htm#page=20for some ideas on how they could write their own epitaph. Sounds morbid but many had some amusing final words. They worked on the Epigraph vs. Epitaph handout which should be finished and handed in for Thursday. Next we reviewed their odes or elegies in the following manner:
Circle 5 sophisticated words used - if you don't have 5 choose some which need changing.
Underline all examples of imagery - if you don't have this, add similes, metaphors, adjectives, etc.
For odes * all points where the poem gives praise
For elegies * all points which show characteristics of the 'deceased'
Final draft for Friday please.

Students discussed the ending of "The Gun" then broke up into groups which were assigned one aspect of style to report back on. We then created a chart of the 4 elements of style from this story. If you were missing, you will need to copy it from another student or borrow a photo of it, as several students took iphotos of these notes. We introduced the idea of epigraph from the handout Epigraph vs. Epitaph. You can look at sample epigraphs at at http://flavorwire.com/246590/the-25-greatest-epigraphs-in-literature/ . We will finish the handout tomorrow.
Students discussed the ending of "The Gun" then broke up into groups which were assigned one aspect of style to report back on. We then created a chart of the 4 elements of style from this story. If you were missing, you will need to copy it from another student or borrow a photo of it, as several students took iphotos of these notes. We introduced the idea of epigraph from the handout Epigraph vs. Epitaph. You can look at sample epigraphs at at http://flavorwire.com/246590/the-25-greatest-epigraphs-in-literature/ . We will finish the handout tomorrow.
Students did the retest while those who did not take this option began writing either an elegy or an ode. Requirements - 10 lines, sophisticated language, imagery, fulfill the tone and purpose according to poem type. Rough draft due next Tuesday. We read to almost the end of "The Gun". Students are to read the ending over the weekend.
Students did the retest while those who did not take this option began writing either an elegy or an ode. Requirements - 10 lines, sophisticated language, imagery, fulfill the tone and purpose according to poem type. Rough draft due next Tuesday. We read to almost the end of "The Gun". Students are to read the ending over the weekend.

Students finished listening to "Death by Landscape' and then broke into groups to brainstorm answers to the following questions:
- what were the major symbols of the story?
- where's Lucy? Prove.
- are any aspects of this story racist? which ones? where?
Students finished listening to "Death by Landscape' and then broke into groups to brainstorm answers to the following questions:
- what were the major symbols of the story?
- where's Lucy? Prove.
- are any aspects of this story racist? which ones? where?
We started class by being invited down to watch the mini-assembly for grade 8s. Our role was as examples of student mentors for the 8s. When we returned we read a bit more of "Death By Landscape". Tomorrow we will finish the story.
We started class by being invited down to watch the mini-assembly for grade 8s. Our role was as examples of student mentors for the 8s. When we returned we read a bit more of "Death By Landscape". Tomorrow we will finish the story.
Students who were waiting for their rough drafts of "The Masque of Red Death" got them back today. The final draft is due on Thursday.
We did an introduction to Elegies by reading the handout titled Elegy for Jane copy 2 at the Handouts tab and discussing the elements of Modern and Classical elegies. We then voted on whether the elegy below the definition was classical or modern. HINT: It has elements of both.
Students chose to continue with the elegies by reading "Elegy for Jane" and in pairs working on the questions below. These were to be handed in. Students should have at least 8 figurative devices identified.
We finished the class with a discussion of how we identify symbol and how our art work is arranged/collected at home. Students looked at two pieces from The Group of Seven and discussed whether they would hang these at home and why. I read the first paragraph of "Death by Landscape" and students tried to guess what Lois's 'issue' is.
Students who were waiting for their rough drafts of "The Masque of Red Death" got them back today. The final draft is due on Thursday.
We did an introduction to Elegies by reading the handout titled Elegy for Jane copy 2 at the Handouts tab and discussing the elements of Modern and Classical elegies. We then voted on whether the elegy below the definition was classical or modern. HINT: It has elements of both.
Students chose to continue with the elegies by reading "Elegy for Jane" and in pairs working on the questions below. These were to be handed in. Students should have at least 8 figurative devices identified.
We finished the class with a discussion of how we identify symbol and how our art work is arranged/collected at home. Students looked at two pieces from The Group of Seven and discussed whether they would hang these at home and why. I read the first paragraph of "Death by Landscape" and students tried to guess what Lois's 'issue' is.
I returned some of the rough drafts of "The Masque of Red Death" with feedback rubrics. If you got yours back today, the final draft is due on Monday. Those who will not have theirs back until Monday will have until next Thursday to get in a final draft.
We looked at the handout Paradox and Oxymoron and did the exercise to see if we 'get it'.
we also looked over our Ballad rough drafts and made sure they had all of the following: quatrains, iambic heptameter, rhyme, story of love, loss and death, repetition and dialogue. The final drafts are due on Tuesday, Sept. 16th.
Figurative Device posters due today.
Next we did the Ode Exercise. Lastly students got their quizzes from last week back. Some will be doing a do-over next Friday.
NOTE: For those who were away we DID NOT get to "Ode to the Large Tuna in the Market".
I returned some of the rough drafts of "The Masque of Red Death" with feedback rubrics. If you got yours back today, the final draft is due on Monday. Those who will not have theirs back until Monday will have until next Thursday to get in a final draft.
We looked at the handout Paradox and Oxymoron and did the exercise to see if we 'get it'.
we also looked over our Ballad rough drafts and made sure they had all of the following: quatrains, iambic heptameter, rhyme, story of love, loss and death, repetition and dialogue. The final drafts are due on Tuesday, Sept. 16th.
Figurative Device posters due today.
Next we did the Ode Exercise. Lastly students got their quizzes from last week back. Some will be doing a do-over next Friday.
NOTE: For those who were away we DID NOT get to "Ode to the Large Tuna in the Market".
Students yesterday had time to work on their figurative device visuals due this coming Friday. They were assigned writing a rough draft of a ballad due tomorrow.
TODAY - first we reviewed the expectations for the ballad - at least 4 stanzas following all ballad criteria EXCEPT dialect and archaic words.
We read "Ode to a Car Drowned in a Bowl of Goldfishes" and students looked for imagery. We also labelled this piece a satirical ode since it is not praising but warning gold diggers. Lastly we read "A Pair of Silk Stockings" and on white boards students wrote down the three symbols they discovered and what they thought each represented.
I am still looking for a number of "The Masque of Red Death" drafts.
Students yesterday had time to work on their figurative device visuals due this coming Friday. They were assigned writing a rough draft of a ballad due tomorrow.
TODAY - first we reviewed the expectations for the ballad - at least 4 stanzas following all ballad criteria EXCEPT dialect and archaic words.
We read "Ode to a Car Drowned in a Bowl of Goldfishes" and students looked for imagery. We also labelled this piece a satirical ode since it is not praising but warning gold diggers. Lastly we read "A Pair of Silk Stockings" and on white boards students wrote down the three symbols they discovered and what they thought each represented.
I am still looking for a number of "The Masque of Red Death" drafts.
TUESDAY Sept. 9th
We started with reminders that those who have not yet handed in their rough draft for "The Masque of Red Death" I need them ASA
We started with reminders that those who have not yet handed in their rough draft for "The Masque of Red Death" I need them ASA

We started by reminding those who have missed Friday's quiz to arrange for a time to do this. The rest of the students are waiting to get back their tests so please do it ASAP.
We looked at the Ballad handout that was given out on Friday and reviewed the elements of a ballad. We then read "Lord Randall" from the handout and looked for the characteristics. Finally, students were given a copy of "The Twa Corbies" and in groups decided which characteristics of the ballad were fulfilled by this poem. These handouts are available at the Handouts tab.
Next we read "The Story of An Hour" and students went into small groups to come up with as many ironies as possible. Students then contributed to the master list of ironies. We focused on writing the ironies as BUT statements as it was apparent from Friday's quiz that we need some practice at this. We finished by a quick look at symbols in the story. If you were missing, you need to borrow someone's master list for the symbols and irony.
We started by reminding those who have missed Friday's quiz to arrange for a time to do this. The rest of the students are waiting to get back their tests so please do it ASAP.
We looked at the Ballad handout that was given out on Friday and reviewed the elements of a ballad. We then read "Lord Randall" from the handout and looked for the characteristics. Finally, students were given a copy of "The Twa Corbies" and in groups decided which characteristics of the ballad were fulfilled by this poem. These handouts are available at the Handouts tab.
Next we read "The Story of An Hour" and students went into small groups to come up with as many ironies as possible. Students then contributed to the master list of ironies. We focused on writing the ironies as BUT statements as it was apparent from Friday's quiz that we need some practice at this. We finished by a quick look at symbols in the story. If you were missing, you need to borrow someone's master list for the symbols and irony.
We started by writing the quiz. Then did a rough draft peer review for our paragraphs and handed them in. If you were missing, be sure to see me about the peer review and show me your rough draft. We spent the last 10 minutes with an introduction to the ballad. Be sure to get the handout from me or at the Handout tab.
We started by writing the quiz. Then did a rough draft peer review for our paragraphs and handed them in. If you were missing, be sure to see me about the peer review and show me your rough draft. We spent the last 10 minutes with an introduction to the ballad. Be sure to get the handout from me or at the Handout tab.

Thursday Sept. 4th
Students were reminded of the upcoming quiz. We finished choosing our devices from yesterday. This assignment is due NEXT Friday.
We reviewed the assonance/consonance handout from early this week and went over the difference between vowel sounds and letters. We then were introduced to synecdoche and metonymy. See Handout in tab. Students watched the video listed on the handout then worked through the sheet titled Synecdoche and Metonymy as well as the Synecdoche Versus Metonymy worksheet. We did not get to the rough draft review today. We will do this after tomorrow's quiz.
Students were reminded of the upcoming quiz. We finished choosing our devices from yesterday. This assignment is due NEXT Friday.
We reviewed the assonance/consonance handout from early this week and went over the difference between vowel sounds and letters. We then were introduced to synecdoche and metonymy. See Handout in tab. Students watched the video listed on the handout then worked through the sheet titled Synecdoche and Metonymy as well as the Synecdoche Versus Metonymy worksheet. We did not get to the rough draft review today. We will do this after tomorrow's quiz.

Reminder: Quiz this coming Friday on assonance/consonance, pun, vocab. strategies, irony and symbol.
Students brought in their planning for the paragraph and wrote the rough draft today. If you were missing, you need to see me about writing the rough draft. If you did not finish the rough draft, please do so tonight and bring it with you tomorrow as we will be working with it. This rough draft will be put into final form for Monday Sept. 8th.
In the last 10 minutes we began choosing our device for "Representing a Figurative Device" - due next Friday. We ran out of time so we will finish this tomorrow.
Reminder: Quiz this coming Friday on assonance/consonance, pun, vocab. strategies, irony and symbol.
Students brought in their planning for the paragraph and wrote the rough draft today. If you were missing, you need to see me about writing the rough draft. If you did not finish the rough draft, please do so tonight and bring it with you tomorrow as we will be working with it. This rough draft will be put into final form for Monday Sept. 8th.
In the last 10 minutes we began choosing our device for "Representing a Figurative Device" - due next Friday. We ran out of time so we will finish this tomorrow.
We first did the first side of the handout Assonance and Consonance (Hand0uts Tab) by circling the examples of assonance and underlining the examples of consonance for the first 3 lines of "The Raven". Students then turned the sheet over and completed the same task ( circle the vowels which showed assonance and underline those examples of consonance) and handed in the completed sheet so I can see how they are doing in terms of understanding.
There will be quiz on Friday on this concept as well as puns, vocabulary strategies and irony and symbol.
Then we discussed the format for a paragraph of literary analysis and the rules - This is a review from last year. If you are foggy on the details, consult the Handouts tab for more information. Students are to be ready to write a paragraph tomorrow based on last Friday's assignment (Consult Friday Aug. 29th).
We first did the first side of the handout Assonance and Consonance (Hand0uts Tab) by circling the examples of assonance and underlining the examples of consonance for the first 3 lines of "The Raven". Students then turned the sheet over and completed the same task ( circle the vowels which showed assonance and underline those examples of consonance) and handed in the completed sheet so I can see how they are doing in terms of understanding.
There will be quiz on Friday on this concept as well as puns, vocabulary strategies and irony and symbol.
Then we discussed the format for a paragraph of literary analysis and the rules - This is a review from last year. If you are foggy on the details, consult the Handouts tab for more information. Students are to be ready to write a paragraph tomorrow based on last Friday's assignment (Consult Friday Aug. 29th).
Today we went into the same teams as yesterday to review and explore "The Masque of Red Death". Each group had to summarize the story and have one person from the group tell the class their version. They also had to create a master list of their groups ironies and symbols from the story. After about 40 minutes, we came back as a group and heard the 5 versions of the story (one from each group). We discussed which versions differed and why. We then shared the master lists from the groups and put them on the board.
Symbols Master List: Prince, colours of the rooms, castle, clock ( stopping, chiming, colour), the black room, the rooms running east to west, midnight, sun/night/light/braziers outside the rooms, Red window, Red Death, masked figure, masquerade
Prospero's name - he died.
Hiding from death - death found them.
Hiding from death - Prospero chases death.
Prospero tried to kill Death - Death killed Prospero.
Students were reminded that they were given a handout on "Allusions in 'The Masque of Red Death'" which also contained an explanation of Gothic writing. They are to look at the assignment at the end of this information and choose a topic - comparing the Prosperos of The Tempest and this story OR comparing the story to 3 aspects of Gothic writing. They are then to make notes, a chart or a Venn diagram of ideas to use in class on Tuesday for this assignment.
Today we went into the same teams as yesterday to review and explore "The Masque of Red Death". Each group had to summarize the story and have one person from the group tell the class their version. They also had to create a master list of their groups ironies and symbols from the story. After about 40 minutes, we came back as a group and heard the 5 versions of the story (one from each group). We discussed which versions differed and why. We then shared the master lists from the groups and put them on the board.
Symbols Master List: Prince, colours of the rooms, castle, clock ( stopping, chiming, colour), the black room, the rooms running east to west, midnight, sun/night/light/braziers outside the rooms, Red window, Red Death, masked figure, masquerade
Prospero's name - he died.
Hiding from death - death found them.
Hiding from death - Prospero chases death.
Prospero tried to kill Death - Death killed Prospero.
Students were reminded that they were given a handout on "Allusions in 'The Masque of Red Death'" which also contained an explanation of Gothic writing. They are to look at the assignment at the end of this information and choose a topic - comparing the Prosperos of The Tempest and this story OR comparing the story to 3 aspects of Gothic writing. They are then to make notes, a chart or a Venn diagram of ideas to use in class on Tuesday for this assignment.

Then we did a root words game in teams. If you were missing, you will be given a team for the unit and we will be keeping points for a super-fantastic prize. We then discussed our strategies in vocabulary building.
We then did a homework check for the 6 words from Poe's "The Masque of Red Death". We re-capped the first two pages and discussed the ethics of Prospero's seclusion and the ethics of the present situation of the ebola outbreak in Africa. Finally, students are to read the last 2 pages and find 3 ironies and 3 symbols. The students we also given a handout "Allusions in 'The Masque of Red Death'" which we will be using tomorrow.
BONUS: Find the root used in each of the following words and the meaning of each:
Example to follow: ambidextrous - root ambi meaning both.
Then we did a root words game in teams. If you were missing, you will be given a team for the unit and we will be keeping points for a super-fantastic prize. We then discussed our strategies in vocabulary building.
We then did a homework check for the 6 words from Poe's "The Masque of Red Death". We re-capped the first two pages and discussed the ethics of Prospero's seclusion and the ethics of the present situation of the ebola outbreak in Africa. Finally, students are to read the last 2 pages and find 3 ironies and 3 symbols. The students we also given a handout "Allusions in 'The Masque of Red Death'" which we will be using tomorrow.
BONUS: Find the root used in each of the following words and the meaning of each:
Example to follow: ambidextrous - root ambi meaning both.

We filled in the Pride, Passion, Purpose statement sheet is a part of your evaluation so be sure to hand it in before this coming Friday.
Students then took a quick practice quiz on the devices they thought they knew from yesterday and we corrected it. The main ones which were difficult were those on Assonance and Consonance. Finally, we went over the concept of allusions and how they affect writing. We discussed the idea that they are affected by our age, our knowledge and our perceptions. Students offered answers to the questions from yesterday's sheet.
For the last 20 minutes of the class, students read the first 2 pages of "The Masque of Red Death" and underlined 6 difficult words.( If you were missing, you can read it at <http://xroads.virginia.edu/~HYPER/POE/masque.html>. You will need to stop reading after the end of the sixth paragraph). For tomorrow, they are to have defined each word and to have found the origin of the word.
BONUS: Yesterday we talked about the phrase "You can't have your cake and eat it too". Find the origin of this phrase and two other sayings which other cultures use to explain the idea of "You can't have your cake and eat it too".
We filled in the Pride, Passion, Purpose statement sheet is a part of your evaluation so be sure to hand it in before this coming Friday.
Students then took a quick practice quiz on the devices they thought they knew from yesterday and we corrected it. The main ones which were difficult were those on Assonance and Consonance. Finally, we went over the concept of allusions and how they affect writing. We discussed the idea that they are affected by our age, our knowledge and our perceptions. Students offered answers to the questions from yesterday's sheet.
For the last 20 minutes of the class, students read the first 2 pages of "The Masque of Red Death" and underlined 6 difficult words.( If you were missing, you can read it at <http://xroads.virginia.edu/~HYPER/POE/masque.html>. You will need to stop reading after the end of the sixth paragraph). For tomorrow, they are to have defined each word and to have found the origin of the word.
BONUS: Yesterday we talked about the phrase "You can't have your cake and eat it too". Find the origin of this phrase and two other sayings which other cultures use to explain the idea of "You can't have your cake and eat it too".